Sunny Afternoon Update

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Lots to catch up on this weekend…

Mt Buller Ride Day update

Alpine Resorts Victoria would like to invite the Mansfield Mt Buller Cycling Club to an exclusive, pre-season ride day at Mt Buller, on Saturday 25 November.

A reminder… MMBCC members only! You need to RSVP using this link if you want to ride at Mt Buller for the day. Due to a system change within ARV, this is a new link.

(If you’ve already RSVP’d with the link from last week, you’re already in. But if you haven’t yet, use this new one! The one in last week’s MMBCC News won’t work anymore.)

Dirt Critters Update

By Tim Ross

We had a great turn-up last Tuesday (14 Nov) and both groups enjoyed riding some of the upper trails at Rifle Butts Reserve. Returning to the carpark via Rubbish Run was perhaps a bit steep for the younger kids but by and large they handled it well (next time we'll take an easier track down!). 

It's amazing how much all the kids are improving in their riding, in particular, on the climbing trails. 

Nice to see Luke (still nursing a broken wrist) running the course with us, though his numerous short-cuts were noticed.

Next Tuesday: advance notice that on Tuesday next week (21 Nov) Dirt Critters will ride alongside the Delatite River from Carter's Road to Mirimbah and back, the last section of the Australian Alpine Epic.

This is a wonderful, flattish ride through the bush on a great piece of single-track. I checked the track out this morning and it's in perfect condition!!

All Dirt Critters (ie: younger group and older group) will ride at the same time (though we'll split up into groups based on speed and experience).  

We'll meet at the Carter's Road picnic area at 4:30pm and I expect we'll be finished before 6:00pm (the Carter's Road picnic area is easy to find on Google Maps; just off the Buller Road past Sawmill Settlement; allow 25 minutes drive from Mansfield). 

Parents are most welcome to bring their bikes and join the ride, or may prefer to walk out and back along the trail.

(It’s been a huge season so far at Dirt Critters, our junior mountain bike program at Rifle Butts MTB Park on Tuesday afternoons. Many thanks to Luke and Tim, from all the club, for all their great work. For more information, contact Dirt Critters via email or call Luke on 0455 604 785.)

Bruce Almighty

By Damian Grundy

What a glorious evening it was at Riflebutts MTB Park for this round of the MMBCC Dirt Crits. A perfect mild evening greeted the riders. The course, though a little grassy (Working Bee is coming up soon) was absolutely perfect after a day of light drizzle.

20 riders took to the start line for this Irish Handicap. There were 4 riders taking on their first XC race for the season and one of those, Ian (Puggo) Douglas, was a first first timer. It is always great to see new faces.

There was an early appeal to the handicapper by Cam Dobson, questioning the veracity of the handicaps. Of course, this was greeted with great sympathy and understanding by myself. I am sure we can all agree that handicappers are well known for their empathy and understanding! After careful consideration of this appeal, no adjustments were made.

The course for the evening was a straightforward 2.35km loop, up XC Loop, cut across to Joyride and follow this across and then down to the finish line.

First out of the gates were Bruce ‘Almighty’ Halket (Damian showing his age here with a painfully old cultural reference, Ed.) and Darren Bakker with a 5-lap challenge ahead. Bruce was keen to take advantage of the generous handicap and took flight.

The rest of the field followed at their allotted times and each with their own challenge of laps varying from 5 for the fastest guys through to 2 laps for our youngest competitors, Keegan Carmen and Leo Fermor who were the last competitors to take to the course.

It can be difficult during these Irish Handicaps to predict who might come out on top, but on the other side of the coin it is often quickly apparent who has been dealt a savage blow by the handicapper’s pen. On this evening David ‘Bocky’ Bock and Spencer Carmen had both clearly been on the receiving end of some harsh handicapping. Chin up boys! There will always be a next time and well done for sticking at it regardless of the outcome.

Heading into the final lap it had become clear that either of Elijah McGuigan or Bruce Halket could win. And so, to the finish and emerging from the course first it was Bruce Halket (5 laps), putting in the Almighty effort and coming out on top.

In 2nd place, 20 seconds later, Elijah McGuigan (4 laps) followed 27 seconds later by Adam Baker (3 laps) in a creditable 3rd place. Rounding out the podium were Will Anderson (3 laps) in 4th and Rueben Bateup (4 laps) in 5th.

Fastest on course for the evening was Ant Bateup at a very respectable 18.54km/h

Well done to all competitors, full results are available here.

Hall’s hills

By Beau Geste

If it wasn’t for the wind it would have “A hot summer night”… well, nearly. Spring and wind go together like “Love and Marriage”, such was the case on Thursday last.

15 riders started on the Howes Creek Road course, commencing with Micala Jacobs and Tony Morris leading the way. They were followed by the intrepid trio of David Jagger, John Eisner and Ian Conrick, who seemed fairly relaxed at the start.

The intrepid trio were followed by the dynamic duo of Tim Hall and Wil Wilson and these left two minutes ahead of Adrian Dowd and Allan Gerrans.

Then came the big groups: Mick Pierce returning after a break from racing, Tim Ross (powerhouse and last week’s winner), and Elise Empey “The Downhill Devil”.

Last to leave was the powerful Scratch group of Bruce Halket, Steve Duke and Darren Bakker; these were going to be very difficult to beat on a windy course. This group was tipped as course favourites on a night such as this.

Wilson and Hall rounded up the Eisner, Jagger, Conrick group at Preston Shearing Shed, perhaps channelling Bob Dylan, Conrick was heard to say ‘two riders are approaching”. Wil and Tim soon put the caught riders to work and the group stayed together trading turns to the turnaround, ably marshalled by Belinda and Tony Cipa.

Halfway home from Cummins Road, Tim and Wil left the workers behind and pursued the Limit riders, Micala and Tony. Tony’s fitness after riding Bankok to Phnom Penh recently served him well, as the dynamic duo proved difficult to catch.

Two hills to go and the catch was made, Tim and Wil stayed at their work until the very last hill. Tim launched a decisive attack at the top of the hill and “long sprinted” to a well-deserved victory.

Wil arrived second and the podium was completed by a loudly puffing Darren Bakker, who was also awarded fastest time (and very nearly the Bakker-Ross trophy.) The remainder of the scratch group followed Bakker in, nearly fulfilling predictions that it would be a “strong rider’s night”.

Presentations and refreshments were, as always, at the Mansfield Hotel where the big news is that Steve Brown is back on the bike, after a lengthy hiatus.

Thanks to our volunteers, commissaires and sponsors. Next week is Buller Road: Big Riders, big gears!

Here are the results and thanks again to Tony Copland for the pics.


Ruby Dobson has won round 1 of the Elite Women’s Victorian XC Series at Avoca today!

Congratulations Ruby!